Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Rate of Return

This weekend I have had a display of my energy products at the Parksville Home Show. I have met some good people who are interested in greater home comfort, lower energy costs, and (some of them) a concern for the well-being of our planetary home.

Across the aisle from me is an investment company, advertising Guaranteed Income Certificates of up to 6.07%. I suppose in our current low-interest environment this rate is considered to be good.

I briefly spoke with one of their sales reps, and mentioned that the solar hot water system I install on people’s homes has a “GIC” rate of return of about 15%, and is likely to go up if (when) energy prices resume their steep upward climb. He smiled, but didn't engage me further. He likely believed me, but knew that he didn’t have a hope of competing against this kind of return!

I suppose I could feel smug about “winning” against an investment company. But what would my "rate of return" be on having this kind of attitude? Zero. Certainly his company can cash out the investment at any time, something that a solar system cannot do. Having that flexibility does result in significantly smaller rates of return (about a third in this case). Really, if I want the planet to be treated well I need to model this desire by being equally respectful toward my fellow human being.

Truly, this is the best way to "invest."

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